Uncategorized – ulearndeals.com http://ulearndeals.com we teach - you learn, that's the deal Tue, 24 Oct 2023 18:42:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.3 http://ulearndeals.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/891/2021/11/cropped-fav-32x32.png Uncategorized – ulearndeals.com http://ulearndeals.com 32 32 Dissertation Research on Virtual Learning: Interesting Prompts http://ulearndeals.com/research-on-virtual-learning.html http://ulearndeals.com/research-on-virtual-learning.html#respond Thu, 25 Nov 2021 11:53:52 +0000 http://ulearndeals.com/?p=46 Virtual learning is the hottest topic at the moment. The coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic has pushed children of very low grades to study at home. There are online education issues that need to be addressed by parents, education managers, teachers, and society at large.

A prompt for your research on virtual learning should inspire the reader to dig deeper into your paper. It should not be obvious or an old discussion with nothing new to add. How can you get the latest ideas about virtual learning and produce the best paper?

Revisit the guidelines on the research on virtual learning

What is expected from your online learning research? These expectations are indicated in the instructions. The instructions capture the subject you should discuss in the paper. They also indicate the structure of your dissertation, the formatting style to follow, and the expected submission deadline, among other issues. You must understand these instructions before you begin writing your paper.

Most of the prompts come with descriptive instructions. The instructions could be confusing. Request your supervisor to provide a sample or template. With the instructions already executed, it will be easier to imitate them in your writing.

Check parents’ and students’ forums online for ideas on your research on virtual learning

Looking for the best ideas on e-learning problems and solutions? The internet has incredible hints. Social media platforms created by parents, teachers, or students will provide the best prompts. Each day, participants highlight challenges they are facing. On the same platforms, others offer solutions. Mainstream the discussion by lifting ideas from such forums.

Writing services websites will help with online education issues

Homework help websites offer fresh ideas and topics on the problems with virtual learning. The prompts are free and insightful. They help you to generate other ideas as you compare the titles they have already written. You can also paraphrase the ideas obtained from these websites.

Ask for a custom topic for your thesis about online education

Writing helpers will provide a customized prompt for your research on online learning. Forward the instructions to the writer through the writing website. The prompt is crafted to fit within your definition. You will proceed to write the paper or hire the writer from the same website.

Turn to social media for problems with virtual learning

Social media will help you with prompts for your thesis about online education. Among your friends and followers are students learning online. Ask for their opinion and experience. You may also run polls on social media to collect data. Interview the respondents and craft the most interesting paper.

News outlets cover e-learning problems and solutions

What are education shows discussing online learning? These news outlets gather experts to help you with virtual learning definition and the challenges the industry is facing. If the issues are in the media, it means that they are relevant. Pick ideas from such discussions for your paper.

Excellent prompts on virtual learning

  • Compare online learning with traditional classroom studies
  • What challenges can parents expect when supporting their children in taking online classes?
  • What is the new role of teachers as more studies move online?
  • What support does a teacher need to deliver quality education online?
  • At what age is it practical to offer online classes?
  • Will online learning eliminate or accelerate social inequality?
  • Is there technology that is available to support teaching practical subjects online?
  • How can institutions make it easier for students to follow studies online?
  • The impact of virtual learning on the quality of education
  • Online learning and the limitless capacity of colleges
  • Securing children in wake of cyber attacks
  • How possible is it for teachers and education administrators to monitor the performance of a student learning virtually?
  • Does online learning affect the quality of skills acquired by a student?
  • Does online learning herald the end of institutional culture?
  • Is the lack of collaboration in the class going to affect the skills of future professionals?
  • What is the effect of isolation during virtual learning on the mental health of a student?
  • Are girls better at online learning than boys?
  • What is the actual cost of virtual learning?

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How to Write a Thesis Summary: Guide with 3 Samples http://ulearndeals.com/thesis-summary-examples.html http://ulearndeals.com/thesis-summary-examples.html#respond Thu, 25 Nov 2021 11:52:58 +0000 http://ulearndeals.com/?p=45 A thesis summary recaps all the ideas you have discussed in your paper. It helps the reader to connect the thesis statement, Literature Review, and the data presented. It counts among the shortest chapters in an academic paper but holds a significant position.

How can I write a summary of a thesis? There are several tricks to use when summarizing your work. The most important aspect is to draw your conclusion from the discussion you have already held. The reader must feel the connection between the summary and the points discussed in the body.

Expert tips on how to write a short summary

1. Write your thesis summary last

The summary winds up your entire discussion. it is impossible to summary ideas you do not understand or have not written yet. Your summary thesis should, therefore, be the last chapter you write. By the time you are drafting this chapter, you have a clear idea of what your thesis covers.

Do not introduce any new point or information at this level. Only refer to your thesis statement, question, and the data you have presented. Make it genuine and logical such that your readers can concur with your assessment.

2. Use certified thesis summary example

How do I write a summary of a thesis with so many instructions? Do not struggle with such a short chapter while you can use examples. The examples have already executed summary writing instructions. Imitate the approach in the examples and the chapter will be done in a flash.

3. Discuss the thesis summary examples with your tutor

Request your tutor to provide summary writing examples in English. If you have gotten the examples elsewhere, discuss their usage with your supervisor. Supervisors are experienced scholars. Their obligation over your academic life guarantees the best guidance. They do not charge you for the help and will also provide the best resources.

4. Obtain summary writing examples in English from writing websites

Obtain a thesis summary example from online writing services. The platforms have a variety of resources that will guide you in the course of writing. You may also request a customized example based on the instructions offered. Custom examples are easier to understand because they compress all instructions into a single document. Choose from the best writing websites to avoid being misled.

5. Hire a professional writer to do your summary thesis section

Freelance writers and homework websites offer more resources to help you with writing a summary example. They have writers to craft the summary chapter or even handle the entire paper. Through their assistance, you will craft the most captivating summary. You avoid fatigue while still achieving your academic goals.

The summary thesis example you use must come from credible sources. Discuss the details with your supervisor to avoid using the wrong example. It would result in poor performance.

3 examples of thesis summaries

Example 1

My Ph.D. thesis deals with the effects of the Corona virus pandemic on the global environment. The paper set to examine the effect of lock-downs and reduced factory activities on the environment. From the data presented, it is evident that the world had a chance to breathe. It leaves the discussion on the possibility of reversing the damage of climate change open. The world can be healthier if leaders take the right steps.

Example 2

My thesis was focusing on the problems arising from increased screen-time from online learning. Children will have to find healthier gadgets to protect their eyes from glare. The biggest problem was parents not recognizing the damage happening to children. The world must find better gadgets and find a way of removing children from the screens.

Example 3

The dissertation examines the effectiveness of sanctions on the uptake of democracy. While countries face sanctions, they do not necessarily become democratic. The measures only hurt the people who the global community is trying to protect through the sanctions. It is time for the world to look for better ideas of dealing with tyrant leaders beyond imposing sanctions on an entire country.

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30 Best Thesis Topics on Teaching and Learning http://ulearndeals.com/thesis-topics-on-teaching-and-learning.html http://ulearndeals.com/thesis-topics-on-teaching-and-learning.html#respond Tue, 23 Nov 2021 09:42:19 +0000 http://ulearndeals.com/?p=31 The most important part of your dissertation on education is the topic. It gives you the direction to take during research. It determines the kind of experience you will have while writing the paper.

The best thesis topics in education come out of passion. It will be easier to discuss a subject that is close to your heart. Your discussion will be more insightful. It is also one of the ways to avoid fatigue that comes from long study hours.

Ways to ensure that your educational research topics for thesis are good

Here are a few ideas to consider:

Discuss a fresh idea in your research on learning

Academic writing is supposed to add value to the existing knowledge. Old ideas that have been discussed for years have nothing new to tell the reader. Most readers will skip your paper if it discusses the same old subjects. Choose a fresh topic to anchor your discussion.

Get fresh ideas from news items or magazine shows discussing issues in education. You may also turn to research recommendations for fresh ideas on your research on learning. If you had written an essay and did not have the time to exhaust your ideas, you can revisit it when writing the thesis. A thesis handling fresh ideas is always interesting to read.

Make your thesis about teachers unique

It is easy to pick an obvious topic for the sake of your thesis. However, your supervisor and the people interacting with your paper will be looking for a unique discussion. Avoid the usual bunters that do not inspire any intellectual discussion. Choose a unique perspective that ignites the imagination of anyone who will encounter your paper.

Draft a specific topic for your thesis on teaching methods

The best topic for a thesis about education sets the boundaries for your discussion. A reader should make out the subject of your discussion by simply looking at the title. For instance, you may want to study the history of sports education. Choose a country, a duration-like Elizabethan era, and the sport to handle. A thesis must be specific because you cannot fit everything in a single paper. By setting the boundaries, you can exhaustively discuss the issue to make your paper meaningful. The title also sets legitimate expectations such that a reader is sure of what to expect from your paper.

Make your dissertation on education interesting

Make your thesis about teachers interesting to read. Choose words that arouse curiosity and call for attention. Do not be afraid of being controversial as long as you can prove your point. Assure the reader that he will get value for the time when reading your paper.

Chose relevant thesis topics in education

A relevant thesis on teaching methods addresses the prevailing challenges. The subject of discussion is education and must solve current issues. Readers will only be interested in a paper that solves existing problems. Choose a relevant angle or topic for your discussion.

Excellent education research topics to consider

  1. Rethinking online learning
  2. The effects of isolated learning on social skills
  3. Effective use of technology for practical disciplines
  4. The role of the teacher in an era of digital content
  5. AI in education

Action research topics in education

  1. The role of the parent during remote learning
  2. Building institutional culture despite online learning
  3. The end of the paperback book
  4. Screen-time and the health of children
  5. Use of social media in learning
  6. Homework tools and the level of help acceptable
  7. Online learning and access to common school facilities

Higher education dissertation topics

  1. Fading university catchment area in the wake of online learning
  2. The place of learning institutions in the era of skills-based learning
  3. Copyright issues for research institutions
  4. The wave of entrepreneurial students
  5. Preparing for increased adult education
  6. Gender question in access to higher education

Special education dissertation topics

  1. The needs of special children during remote learning
  2. Government support towards special learning
  3. Supporting parents of special-needs children

Principles of teaching and learning

  1. The role of the teacher in disciplining students
  2. Advanced education and entrepreneurship
  3. Use of alternative learning resources
  4. Reinforcing the degree in education
  5. Violence in schools
  6. The role of sports in schools
  7. High school and college politics
  8. Teacher unions
  9. Public vs private schools

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Learn How to Write a Thesis Paper: 6 Smart Tips http://ulearndeals.com/how-to-write-a-thesis.html http://ulearndeals.com/how-to-write-a-thesis.html#respond Tue, 23 Nov 2021 09:41:07 +0000 http://ulearndeals.com/?p=29 Writing a scientific thesis differs from drafting an essay. You need more materials and an intensive discussion on the subject you have chosen. It takes more time and must adopt a specified structure.

The basic thesis structure is set by academic writing instructions. However, the topic alters the structure alongside any special instructions that may come from the department. Even the best writer requires help from dissertationteam once in a while to produce the best paper.

Smart thesis writing tips to give you the best experience

1. Revisit the thesis writing guidelines

The department issues very specific thesis writing guidelines. The guidelines direct you on the details to include in your cover page, the topic to discuss, the structure to adopt, and the formatting style to use, among other aspects. The guidelines will be used when assessing your paper.

Thesis writing instructions are used to standardize the academic paper. For instance, all students will include similar details on the cover page. Consistent formatting will also make it easy for readers to follow up on the points you have discussed in your paper for verification. Follow the guidelines to guarantee an A+ and standard paper.

2. Capture the purpose of thesis in your title

The title tells the reader the ideas to expect in your paper. It should capture the purpose of thesis to help create legitimate expectations when a person picks your paper. The title captures the subject of discussion. It also gives the perspective you wish to take on the subject. The title should be written in such a way that it arouses curiosity in the reader.

The subject of your discussion should be unique and original. Old topics with nothing new to add to scholarship do not elicit excitement in readers. They result in poor performance and a paper that will never capture the imagination of readers.

3. Get thesis writing tips from professionals

Learn how to write a masters thesis from professionals. Your supervisor is the first reliable professional to turn to for help. Having written his own and led other students through the process, he understands numerous tricks you can use to make writing easier.

Writing services share tips on their websites that will help you to draft the paper faster. You can also get tips from students forums and scholars who specialize in academic writing. The tips for writing a thesis help you to overcome such challenges as fatigue, lack of reliable reference materials, thesis formatting, the structure of your paper, and hiring helpers, among others.

4. You can get help writing a scientific thesis

Are you confused by the instructions provided in the master thesis writing guide? Hire a professional helper to take over the assignment. The helpers are academic writing specialists, meaning that they understand formatting rules, structuring essays, and citations, among other elements of a research paper.

Check the profiles of writers to pick the most experienced. An experienced writer understands the different thesis types and will help you to adhere to instructions. The writer should also be trained in the area you are studying. It helps them to understand the technical aspects of your topic and deliver the most insightful discussion.

5. When do you have to write a thesis effectively?

Choose the right time to write your paper. If you are comfortable waking up early in the morning, indicate the morning hours as the time you will be drafting the paper. When do you have to write a thesis? At a time when your body and mind are fully relaxed and can concentrate.

6. Master different thesis types through samples, templates, and examples

Academic writing comes with varying instructions. The descriptive instructions can be difficult to master. However, samples, examples, and templates will make it easier to understand as well as execute the instructions. You should only ensure that these resources come from credible sources like the library or your supervisor.


While you want to complete the paper faster, you should take care of your health. Take regular breaks during long study hours. Use writing help apps or hire a professional assistant. Choose the most efficient study hours to help you accomplish more within a short time. All these tips will make it easier to complete your thesis and guarantee the best grades.

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